EA Subjects
Band - Band is offered to students in 6th, 7th, and 8th. In order to be in the band, students must start when they are in 6th-grade. Band is a performance-based class, and students may be required to attend and perform at school concerts as part of the class.
Chorus - Chorus is offered to students in 6th, 7th, and 8th. Chorus is a performance-based class, and students may be required to attend and perform at school concerts as part of the class.
CTE - Career Exploration: General Management, Entrepreneurship, Career Development, Healthcare Professional, Keyboarding and Word Processing, Exploring Financial Literacy, Exploring Technology, Exploring Carpentry, Exploring Safety and Tools in the Trades, Technological Systems.
Spanish- Introduction to Spanish
PE/Health- Mental and Emotional Health, Personal and Consumer Health, Interpersonal Communication and Relationships, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs.
Theatre Arts- Communication, Analysis, Aesthetics, and Culture
World Drumming is a 9-week class. We focus on World drumming for 5 weeks, and then we focus on bucket drumming for the last 4 weeks.