N-C Honor Program

The NCMS Honor program is an incentive program to reward students for good grades and attendance. 

  • In order to qualify for the HONOR program and receive a card, the students must meet the following criteria:

    • Academics

      • Gold Card = no grade below a 90% in any class each semester 

      • Silver Card = no grade below an  80% in any class each semester

    • Attendance

      • Gold or Silver:  No more than 7 absences (excused or unexcused) for the semester.  This is subject to review by administration for extenuating circumstances.  (example:  death in the immediate family, hospitalization, extended illness)

      • No more than 5 unexcused school tardies or early dismissals for the semester.

  • Gold Card holders are admitted to home athletic events for free.  

  • Silver Card holders are admitted to home athletic events for a discounted rate of $3