Thanks to all of our fans who supported our first home games of the Fall season! Football, soccer, and volleyball all look to be competitive this season. Hope to see everyone back next week for more home games! Go Red Devils!

Good evening parents. We have a couple of quick announcements for tomorrow.
We have home volleyball and soccer matches tomorrow. The games will be played at NCMS. Football will play at Newton-Conover High School. If you plan to attend the football game, please be aware that you may only enter through the main gate at the high school. The price of admission to all athletic games is $5. Pets, outside food, and drinks are not permitted.
Students will start their iReady Diagnostic tests tomorrow. Students will need to have wired headphones/earbuds for the tests. No wireless headphones are allowed.
That is all for our announcements. Have a great evening.

Good evening Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of September 12-16, 2022.
Mark your calendars. Fall pictures will be taken on September 22, 2022. Order forms have been sent home. Money is due by picture day. You may also order online; Online ordering and payment are available for prepay sessions at Carolinaphoto.net until the end of the day of the session using this JOB KEY: 87E977U4
Parents, if you haven’t already completed the “Free or Reduced Lunch Applications,” please do so as soon as possible. Lunch is not free this year, and we want to ensure that we keep balances as low as possible. If you have any questions, please contact our front office.
Students will take their beginning-of-the-year iReady Diagnostic tests on Tuesday and Wednesday. These tests help determine what skills students need assistance with and what skills they have mastered. Please, encourage your child to take the test seriously, get plenty of rest, and eat a good breakfast.
If your student has symptoms of COVID-19, please have them tested, either through your child’s medical provider, at another test site, or with an at-home test. If your student tests positive for COVID-19, please keep them home and notify your child’s teacher or School Nurse of their positive test. If a parent or sibling has Covid- 19, the student does NOT need to quarantine unless they are symptomatic.
I athletic news;
We kick off our fall sports season this week. A couple of items of information for parents. Admission is $5 to all events. School-age children and up must pay to enter. There are no pets allowed at events. Outside food and drinks are not permitted.
Cross Country will start their season on Monday at Arndt middle school starting at 4:15 pm.
On Tuesday, Soccer and Volleyball will be at home to take on Arndt Middle School. The games start at 4 pm. Fans may enter the event beginning at 3:30 pm.
Football will be home on Tuesday. The game starts at 4:15 pm and will be played at Newton-Conover High School.
On Thursday, Soccer and Volleyball will play at Maiden Middle School.
We want to wish all our athletes the best of luck, and we hope to have a great sports season.
That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great week!

NCMS CTE teacher, Mr. Linney, is implementing a new curriculum with new activities for business classes this year, but he needs some community support to make this a success. We are in need of neckties that the men in your family no longer wear. These can be dropped off in the front office or sent to school with a student. We are very appreciative of the support!

NCMS teachers and staff are so very proud of the growth that our students made on their EOGs last year. As our students “float” to the top, teachers celebrated after a faculty meeting this week with root beer & Coke floats. Our VIF teacher, Mr. Saverino is seen enjoying his first ever taste of a float. He described it as, “Yummy!” #groundedandgrowing

One of our school-wide goals for this year is engaging students in more rigorous texts with a focus on reading stamina. Mrs. Duncan’s 6th graders are reading Fire Girl by Tony Abbott this month.

Good evening Red Devil family! Here are your announcements for the week of September 5-September 9, 2022.
There will be no school for students and staff on Monday, September 5, in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
There will be a mandatory fall sports meeting on Tuesday, September 6 at 5:15 pm in the gym for the parents of fall athletes who play volleyball, soccer, cross country, and cheerleading.
Please note the following safety update and procedure change; a parent/guardian must sign their student in at the front office if a student arrives late to school. The front office will document student tardies, and excessive tardies will result in an office referral. We will begin documenting tardies on September 6, 2022. Reminder, students can be dropped off at 7:10 am, and school starts at 7:40 am.
Parents, this is a reminder that lunch is not free for all students this year. To potentially receive free or reduced lunch meals, you must complete and submit a Free and Reduced Lunch Application. Breakfast will continue to be free for all students. Lunch balance reports will be sent home this week.
Mark your calendars. Fall pictures will be taken on September 22, 2022. Picture order forms will go home this week.
This is a reminder to parents and students about our dress code. Students are only permitted to wear shorts and pants that have rips and holes above the knees as long as there are shorts or leggings on underneath them. Students are not allowed to wear crop tops or any other shirt that exposes the belly. Students that wear leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, or any other tight-fitting pants, must have a top that covers their behind. Students who come to school outside of the dress code will be asked to call home and change clothes.
This is all for our announcements. See you on Tuesday!

Good evening Red Devil family! Here are your announcements for the week of August, 29-September 2.
Monday, August 29, is the first day of school. Parents, please note that students may enter the building at 7:10. Please do not drop your students off before 7:10 am, as there will be no supervision, which is a safety concern. School starts at 7:40 am. Breakfast will be served and will be free to all students.
If your child is riding a bus, please be at your assigned stop 10-15 minutes early. Please be patient with drivers as it typically takes about a week to iron out their bus routes. We will have staff go around on Monday to each classroom to help ensure that students know their PM bus number and answer any questions.
Please note the following safety update and procedure change; a parent/guardian must sign their student in at the front office if a student arrives late to school. The front office will document student tardies, and excessive tardies will result in an office referral. We will begin documenting tardies on September 6, 2022, and they will reset after every quarter.
Free and Reduced lunch applications are now live. Parents, please sign-up and submit an application even if your child may not eat meals from the cafeteria. Applications are tied to funding, and we would like to have as many dollars as possible to support our students. Parents, please note that students will accrue cafeteria charges this year from the Child Nutrition department.
There will be no school for students and staff on Monday, September 5, in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
In athletic news, Volleyball tryouts will be on August 30th directly after school till 5:00. Soccer tryouts will be from August 30th-Sept 2nd after school till 5:00. Cross Country tryouts will be on August 30th and 31st after school till 4:30. Students must have a current physical on file to tryout and must meet eligibility requirements.
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for the first day of school.

Wow! Thank you students and families for a huge turnout for our Open House! That Red Devil spirit was back in the house! We can’t wait for Monday!

Oh, how we’ve missed their smiles, their laughter, and their love for each other! The teachers are back in the building and it feels appropriate to roll out the red carpet for them this year. Welcome back NCMS Faculty and Staff! #bethechange #groundedandgrowing #together

Our very own District Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Stephanie Washington, delivered a motivating, memorable, and entertaining speech to all district staff today at our annual N-CCS Convocation at iChurch Hickory. We are proud of our TOY and thankful for our partnership with iChurch!

Good evening Red Devil Family. This is Mr. Cannon with some back-to-school announcements. I want to first start by saying welcome back to everyone! We are excited to get this school year started, and we are looking forward to another great year.
Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th. 6th grade starts at 3 pm, followed by 7th grade at 4 pm, and 8th grade at 5. Open House will conclude at 7 pm. All students must have the online enrollment applications complete before students will receive a schedule.
6th grade "Kick Start" will be held Thursday, August 25th, from 8- 11 am. This is an optional event, and all rising 6th graders are welcome to attend. Parents can drop students off starting at 7:30 am. And will need to pick them up at 11 am. There will be an optional parent meeting starting at 8 am for any parent that is interested in learning more about Newton-Conover Middle School.
Free and Reduced lunch applications are now live. Parents, please sign-up and submit an application even if your child may not eat meals from the cafeteria. Applications are tied to funding, and we would like to have as many dollars as possible to support our students.
Volleyball tryouts will be on August 29th directly after school till 5:00.
Soccer tryouts will be from August 30th-Sept 2nd after school till 5:00.
Cross country Tryouts will be on August 30th and 31st after school till 4:30
If you know of a fellow parent that is not receiving the phone messages from the school, have them reach out to us to make sure we updated the information in our system. We should have all of our rising 6th-grade families in the system, so hopefully, you are getting our messages.
With that said, have a wonderful weekend, and we will see everyone at Open House on Wednesday.

1. You are Important.
2. You are an Influencer.
3. You have a Purpose.
Be the change.
NCMS staff are recharged and ready for you!
#groundedandgrowing #1stdayvibes

Interested in Fall Sports at NCMS?

IMPORTANT! Returning Student Registration Now Due!
We are contacting you to let you know that it's time to do your "returning student registration" for this school year! By completing the "returning student registration," you ensure that we have the most current contact and emergency information for your child. Your child will not receive a schedule at Open House or a device from the school until this is completed.
If you have not received an email for your student, please try searching for “infosnap” in your emails to ensure it did not go to Spam or any other location.
Please call the school Monday morning if you have still not received anything.

Vamos a tener "Open House" el miércoles 24 de agosto. Favor de llegar a los tiempos asignados. 6to grado a las 3:00 de la tarde. 7mo grado a las 4:00 de la tarde. 8vo grado a las 5:00 de la tarde. La inscripción InfoSnap para los estudiantes debe completarse antes del 5 de agosto. Si tiene un estudiante que regresa, verifique su correo electrónico en el archivo para tener instrucciones de registro del PowerSchool. Los estudiantes deben tener la inscripción completa antes de recibir un dispositivo escolar y un horario. Los atletas deben tener la inscripción completa para ser elegibles para practicar deportes.

Open House will be held on Wednesday, August 24th. Please arrive at the assigned times. 6th grade at 3:00 pm. 7th grade at 4:00 pm. 8th grade at 5:00 pm.
Enrollment for students must be completed by August 5th. If you have a returning student, please check your email on file for registration instructions from PowerSchool Registration Support. Students must have enrollment complete before being issued a school device and a schedule. Athletes must have enrollment complete to be eligible to play sports.

Rising 6th graders and their parents are invited to join us on August 25th to KICK-START their middle school journey at NCMS.

Football Summer Workouts continue this evening for rising 7th and 8th graders. 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Dress in t-shirt and shorts. Please bring shoes for inside in case of storms. Workouts will also be held on July 25th and August 1st.

The first football workout of the season will take place on Monday, July 11, from 6-8 pm. Athletes should wear shorts and t-shirts and bring plenty of water. Athletes should be dropped off in front of the building near the football field. Please contact Coach Setzer if you have any questions.