Pre-sale tickets start today for Shrek The Musical. Tickets are 10 dollars each. You can write a check to either Newton Conover Middle School or Discovery High School Theatre Department with the names of the people you would like to purchase the tickets for. If you pre-order tickets, they will be available for pick up at a seperate table when coming to watch the show. You may also purchase tickets at the door when coming to see the show! If you buy tickets at the door, please tell your friends and family that we do not accept bills larger than $20 and you can write a check. You can use a 100 dollar bill if it is the exact price. The auditorium doors will open 30 minutes before each show. If you have any questions, please contact
about 7 hours ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Shrek Musical
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of March 10-14, 2025. There is no school on Friday, March 14. This is a scheduled workday for staff. The 8th-grade formal will be held on March 14 from 5-8 p.m. at N-CMS. The last day to purchase tickets is March 11. Tickets are $20. Our Student Leadership Team is collecting non-perishable food items to donate to The Corner Table. The Corner Table benefits many families in our community. N-CMS will collect food items from March 18-April 17. In athletic news, Our spring sports games kick off this week. On Monday, Baseball, Softball, and Soccer will travel to Mill Creek. Teams will play at home on Tuesday against Northview. This is a reminder that games start at 4 p.m. Admission is $5, and pets are not allowed at ball games. This is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great week!
4 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
School Update
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Collins for being selected as this week's "Da Bomb" recipient!
4 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Da Bomb
2025 Spring Sports Schedule
4 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Spring Sports Schedule
Due to the possibility of strong wind gusts throughout the day tomorrow, making bus travel unsafe, Newton-Conover City Schools will be closed for students on Wednesday, March 5. Newton-Conover Middle School will not have practice for sports or theatre. Please be safe!
7 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
No School
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of March 3-7, 2025. This is a reminder, parents, that if your students arrives on campus after 7:38, you must come and sign your student into the office in order for them to be marked present. Please do not drop your student off and leave without signing them in. This is a safety issue. Thank you for your help with this. N-CMS will hold a writing contest for students during March. Teachers will review the guidelines for the contest this week. We encourage all students to participate. Our 7th-grade students will participate in a Reality of Money event on Wednesday. "The Reality of Money" event is part of a partnership with the North Carolina State Employees' Credit Union. During the activity, students learn about the impact their choices make on their budget and lifestyle as they are “transformed” into wage earning, bill paying and financially independent young adults. On Friday, 6th grade will be on a field trip to the Green Room. Tickets for the 8th-grade formal will be on sale March 3-11, 2025. The price of a ticket is $20. The Formal will be held on March 14 from 5-8 p.m. In athletic news, There will be a mandatory spring sports parent meeting on Monday, March 3 ,at 5:30 in the gym. Spring sports pictures will be taken on Thursday, March 6 right after school and before practices. This is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great week!
10 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
School Update
Please join us in congratulating Ms. Vickers, this week's "Da Bomb" recipient!
10 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Da Bomb
Tickets will be sold in advance from Monday, March 3, to Tuesday, March 11. Tickets will be sold in homerooms during HR time only and will cost $20. No tickets will be sold on the day of the dance or at the door. Formal will be hosted on Friday, March 14th, from 5-8 pm …. In the NCMS Gym
13 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
8th Grade Formal Information
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of February 24-28, 2025. On Friday, February 28, counselors from Newton-High School will meet with 8th-grade students to review the class options and the registration process for high school. This is a reminder, parents, that if your students arrives on campus after 7:38, you must come and sign your student into the office in order for them to be marked present. Please do not drop your student off and leave without signing them in. This is a safety issue. Thank you for your help with this. February is Career and Technical Education Month. To celebrate, we will have a spirit week. Monday is pajama day. Tuesday is find a friend and dress as twins. Wednesday is hat day. Thursday is wear your clothes inside out. Friday is wear rock-n-roll band shirts or red and black. In athletic news, Springs sports tryouts and practices continue on Monday, February 24. This is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great week!
18 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
CTE Spirit Week
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Ramsey for being selected as this week's "Da Bomb" recipient!
18 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Da Bomb
Good morning, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Newton-Conover City Schools will operate via Remote Learning Day for Students on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Kid Connection Program at North Newton will operate on a 2-hr delay . Students should log into their teacher’s Canvas pages to find assignments to complete to receive credit for the day. Teachers are expected to have assignments posted to Canvas by 10 a.m. Teachers will be available for support via email and through the Remind. If students cannot complete assignments, teachers will consider their situations and provide opportunities for them to make up missing work. That is all for this announcement. Stay safe and warm.
20 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Remote Learning Day Today
Out of an abundance of caution due to predicted overnight/early morning precipitation and below-freezing temperatures, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for Students and Staff on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Kid Connection will operate on a 2-hour delay as well. N-CMS car riders may be dropped off at 9:10 a.m. School officially starts at 9:40 a.m. Parents, do not drop students off early, as there will not be staff to supervise. Bus riders need to adjust the time they report to their stop by 2 hours. We will still have baseball, softball, and soccer tryouts after school. If anything changes, we will send out a message. Have a great evening!
20 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
2 Hour Delay
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Due to the likelihood of inclement winter slated to impact our area tomorrow, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate via Remote Learning Day for Students on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. School campuses will be closed. Kid Connection will not operate. Students should log into their teacher’s Canvas pages to find basic assignments to complete to receive credit for the day. Teachers are expected to have assignments posted to Canvas by 10 a.m. Teachers will be available for support via email and through the Remind. If students cannot complete assignments, teachers will consider their situations and provide opportunities for them to make up missing work. That is all for this announcement. Stay safe and warm.
21 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Remote Learning Day
This Spring, Newton Conover Middle School and Discovery High School will be putting on their Musical: "Shrek: The Musical" but we need your help in purchasing costumes, props, and set pieces! Costumes play an integral part in our productions, but they also account for a large portion of the total expenses. Costumes cost, on average, $75 and wigs $40. The cost increases with the more elaborate the costume and various accessories needed. Without costumes, you lose the magical transformation of these high school students into the characters they portray on stage. All money raised will go towards the musical production as well as purchasing a sound board for the school’s auditorium.
22 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Shrek Musical
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of February 17-21, 2025.  There is no school for students on Monday, February 17. This is a required workday for staff.  The last day of the book fair is Tuesday, February 18.  The deadline to turn in missing assignments from our most recent progress report is Tuesday, February 18. Any outstanding missing assignments will become zeros. We encourage students to stay on top of their work and complete all tasks. Parents, please contact your child’s teachers with questions about specific assignments.  Parents, please review our student dress code outlined in our Parent/Student Handbook and ensure your child meets the appropriate school attire and dress expectations. Students who do not meet dress code guidelines will be asked to change or call home for clothes. Thank you for your help with this.  Our 8th-grade students will meet with N-CHS counselors during the school day on February 28th to discuss registering for high school classes.  In athletic news,  Spring athletic tryouts for girls' soccer, baseball, and softball will begin on February 18th. They will be held from 3 to about 5 to 5:30. Please ensure your child’s physical is current before they try out. Students will not be permitted to try out without a current physical on file. Contact our athletic director, Jacob Sigmon, if you have any questions.  That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a blessed week!
25 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
School Updates
Congratulations to Mr. Linney for being selected as this week's "Da Bomb" recipient!
26 days ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Da Bomb
Good evening, N-CMS Red Devil Family! Here are your announcements for the week of February 10-14, 2025. There is no school for students on Friday, February 14th, and Monday, February 17. These days are dedicated as workdays for staff. The Scholastic Book Fair is being held at N-CMS this week. Students can find hundreds of books, along with posters and other items, to purchase. Students will be able to visit the book fair during the school day. In athletic news, Spring Athletic Tryouts will begin on February 18th for girls’ Soccer, Baseball, and Softball. There will be workouts for baseball pitchers and catchers on February 10. Please ensure your child’s physical is up to date before trying out. Contact our Athletic Director, Jacob Sigmon, if you have any questions. I want to congratulate our Wrestling, Girls', and Boys' basketball teams on an outstanding winter sports season. It has been one of our best, if not the best, collective sports seasons ever at N-CMS. The season concluded with our girls placing second in the CVMSAC and in the Kermit Whisnant Tournament. Our boys took home first place in the CVMSAC and in the tournament. Our Wrestling team placed second in the CVMSAC. Congratulations to all the coaches, athletes, staff, and parents who help make athletics great at N-CMS. That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a blessed week!
about 1 month ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Congratulations to our boys' basketball team for finishing as the undefeated 2024-2025 CVMSAC conference champions and the Kermit Whisnant Tournament Champions!
about 1 month ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Boys basketball team
The girls' and boys' basketball teams picked up wins tonight and will play in the Kermit Whisnant Tournament Championship games tomorrow night. Game times are at 6 and 7:30 at Northview Middle School. We would love our Red Devil community to show up and cheer on both teams to a victory!
about 1 month ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Dear Families, Time is running out to purchase the 2025 yearbook. The yearbook staff is working hard to finish the book, and If you are interested in one, please purchase at A payment plan is available at checkout. We cannot guarantee a yearbook unless you preorder before 2/26/25. If you are unsure if you ordered, please check here RESERVE YOUR YEARBOOK TODAY BEFORE WE SUBMIT OUR FINAL ORDER ON 2/26/24.
about 1 month ago, Newton-Conover Middle School