Chorus fundraising items will be delivered to the school on Monday, Nov. 6. You may pick up your items to deliver between 4 and 6 p.m. Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Rogers.
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Good evening, Red Devily Family! Here are your announcements for the week of October 30-November 3, 2023.  We would like to thank all the students who attended the dance this past Friday. We had a great time, and it was a lot of fun seeing students dress in costumes. Thank you, parents, for doing a great job with the pickup process.  Makeup picture day for fall pictures is October 30. This is for any student who still needs to have their picture taken after missing the initial picture day.  In athletic news,  The boy's soccer team finished the season undefeated and conference champs! We are proud of the team for their hard work and dedication and for being the first soccer team at N-CMS to finish a season undefeated.  Boys basketball tryouts are October 31 and November 1 from 3-4:30. Girls basketball tryouts will be November 6th and 7th from 3:00-4:30. Students must have an updated sports physical on file to try out.  Wrestling practice starts on Monday, October 30, from 3-5:15. This is for boys and girls in 6th-8th grade. Again, students must have an updated sports physical on file in order to participate.  That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a fantastic week!
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Weekly Announcement
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Young for being selected as the recipient of this week's "Da Bomb" award!
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Da Bomb
Attention Parents. This is a reminder that tomorrow is our Halloween costume spirit day as part of the lead-up to our Halloween dance. Costumes must conform to the following school dress code guidelines: NO revealing costumes, bare midriff, or miniskirts; NO costumes are allowed that would completely hide the identity of the student (An example would be a Gorilla Suit); No costume masks, full face makeup, or carried props (such as weapons, guns, knives, etc.) If you aren’t sure it would be allowed, don’t wear it or bring it!! Do not wear costumes to school that would create a safety issue. Students must be able to sit at a desk and safely move around our building, walk upstairs, and eat in the cafeteria. No inflatable costumes ( Examples would be dinosaur suites, inflatable alien costumes, etc.) No offensive costumes Students who violate these rules or do not adhere to the costume guidelines must change clothes or call home. The dance will conclude at 5:30 p.m. You can pick your child up between 5:30 and 6 p.m. If we have too many parents arrive early and traffic begins to back up and impede County Home Rd., we must release students early from the dance. Concessions will be sold. Pizza will be $3, drinks and candy will be $2. We will not be selling tickets to the dance tomorrow. Have a great night, and we will see everyone tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Halloween Dance
Parents - Our School will have the Scholastic Bookfair from November 27 through December 1. Please visit this link to preview the fun things they have to offer.
about 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Beta Club is collecting canned food donations for the Castle of Cans food drive until Friday, Nov 3. Students and staff are encouraged to participate by bringing any canned food items you can spare. The class with the largest number of donated cans wins a Pizza Party!!
about 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Good evening, Red Devily Family! Here are your announcements for the week of October 23-27, 2023.  We would like to thank all the parents who stopped by this past Friday to meet with teachers and pick up their child’s report cards. We loved having the opportunity to connect with you.  Yearbooks are on sale for the price of $32. You can order one by sending in money to Ms. Fair or going online to The cost of the yearbook will continue to go up as the year progresses, and we are not guaranteed to have any extras when they come in. Please take care securing one now if you are interested.  This week is our first Spirit Week of the year. A flyer went home with students outlining the themes for each day. Monday is PJ day. Bedroom slippers are not permitted. Tuesday is Sports Attire, or wear gear to represent your favorite team. Wednesday is Red Devil Pride Day. Wear red, black, and white. Thursday is Pink Out Day for Breast Cancer Awareness. Friday is Costume Day. Students are not permitted to wear masks, face painting, or bring props to school.  We will have our Halloween dance on Friday from 3-5:30 p.m. Students can purchase tickets on Monday and Tuesday for $10. Gold and Silver card holders can purchase a ticket at a discounted price of $5.  Students must owe less than $5 to the cafeteria and not be on the “No Activity List” due to serving OSS, ISS, failing two or more classes, or having more than six unexcused absences. Please reach out to the school if you have any questions.  Makeup picture day for fall pictures is October 30. This is for any student who still needs to have their picture taken after missing the initial picture day.  In athletic news, Our boy's soccer team remains undefeated going into the last week of the season and is looking to secure the conference championship. The soccer and volleyball teams will play at River Bend on Monday, and the final home game of the season will be on Tuesday as we battle Northview.  The football team will play its last game of the year on Wednesday at River Bend. Game time is at 6 p.m.  That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great week!
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Weekly Announcement
Next week we have Spirit Week! Dress code rules still apply for spirit week.
about 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
spirit week
Good evening, Red Devily Family! Here are your announcements for the week of October 16-20, 2023.  There is no school for students on October 20, 2023. This is a workday for staff. October 20th will be report card pick-up day. Parents, you may visit your child’s teachers between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to pick up your child’s report card. You may also schedule a parent-teacher conference in advance for this day by contacting your child’s teachers. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions. Report cards will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 23, if you cannot stop in on Friday, October 20, 2023, to pick them up.  Makeup picture day for fall pictures is October 30. This is for any student who still needs to have their picture taken after missing the initial picture day.  Mark your calendars, we will have a Halloween dance on Oct 27, 2023 from 3-5:30 p.m. Students must purchase tickets in advance for $10. To purchase tickets, students must owe less than $5 to the cafeteria and not be on the “No Activity List” due to receiving in-school or out-of-school suspensions.  In athletic news,  The cross country team will compete in the conference championship on Monday, October 16, at River Bend Middle School. We want to wish all our runners the best of luck as they wrap up their season.  On Tuesday, our soccer and volleyball teams will have a match at Jacobs Fork Middle School, while our football team will compete in their last home game of the season, taking on Grandview Middle School. The football game starts at 6 p.m. and will be played in Gurly Stadium, located at Newton-Conover High School.  On Thursday, soccer and volleyball teams will be home to battle Grandview Middle School.  That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a great weekend. 
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Weekly Update
Students in Mrs. Ramsey's 6th Grade class have been working in teams, collaborating and problem-solving solutions to construct LEGO Robots. The final stages are near and the students are getting excited to see their LEGO's move about the room
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Mrs. Ramsey's class is working on designing and building bridges.
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
7th grade bridges
7th grade bridges
7th grade bridges
7th grade bridges
7th grade bridges
This week in 6th grade, math students have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. Here they were creating some shapes.
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
6th grade
6th grade
6th grade
6th grade
6th math
Students in Mrs. MacIver's 8th-grade science class have been summarizing the basic characteristics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites relating to the spread, treatment, and prevention of disease. To experience this, they grew yeast!
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
8th grade
N-CMS is looking for quality educators to join our Red Devil family! We are currently looking for a Math, Science, and PE/Health Teacher. If interested, please apply through the Newton-Conover City Schools website or contact Mr. Billy Cannon, Principal, at 828-464-4221.
over 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Now hiring
The middle school theatre arts students are putting on a production of several Halloween skits written and performed by students this Friday, October 13, at 6 p.m. Attendance is free, but donations to the theatre program are welcome.
over 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Halloween Stories
On Friday, the top two sellers from the recent Attractions Book sales were able to pie Mr. Cannon, Mrs. Gullick and Officer Baker in the face. Even Mrs. Coffey got in on the action!
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Mrs. Lyndon's science class has been working to create a solution that makes a stronger bubble. They had fun taking their learning from the classroom and getting a bit messy! Science is fun!
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Parents of BUS 459 - the bus is running about 15 minutes late this morning. Please have your students wait or you are welcome to bring them to school after 7:10.
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick
Good evening, Red Devily Family! Here are your announcements for the week of October 9-13, 2023.  8th grade yearbook ads are still on sale. This is a great way for parents to include a special message and pictures of their child in the yearbook. Please see our Facebook and website for more information, or you may reach out to Ms. Fair. ( We are quickly approaching the end of the first quarter of the school year. Parents, we need your help to encourage your child to submit all outstanding assignments.  October 20th will be report card pick-up day. Parents, you may visit your child’s teachers between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. and pick up your child’s report card or schedule a conference in advance for that day by contacting your child’s teacher. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions.  This Friday, 7th-grade students will participate in a vision and hearing screening.  Also, on Friday, Ms. Isaacs's theatre students will perform student-created Halloween Stories in the auditorium starting at 6 p.m. We look forward to having parents and community members attend this event.  Mark your calendars, we will have a Halloween dance on Oct 27, 2023 from 3-5:30 p.m. More information and details will be shared in the upcoming days.  In athletic news, Congratulations to the football team and soccer team for picking up big wins this week. The football team won big against Maiden, while the soccer team moved into sole possession of first place and is still undefeated on the season. Cross country runners are nearing the end of their season and continue to put in strong performances, and runners are setting PR each week. The volleyball team is playing hard and is displaying grit and determination. We are proud of fall sports teams and what they have accomplished at this point in the season.  This week, the cross country team will be at Bandys on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, the soccer and volleyball teams will travel to Maiden, while the football team will be at home to take on Jacobs Fork. On Thursday, soccer and volleyball teams will be home to play against Mill Creek.  That is all for our weekly announcements. Have a wonderful week!
over 1 year ago, Newton-Conover Middle School
Weekly Announcements
Yearbooks are on sale now for $32! Please see the flyer for ordering information.
over 1 year ago, Jami Gullick